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Implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, 行动, and decisions in an unconscious manner (“State of the Science: Implicit Bias Review 2017,“柯湾研究所”. Among the key attributes of implicit biases are the following:

  • Implicit or Unconscious: Activated unconsciously and involuntarily, without being explicitly controlled
  • Bias: This bias may skew toward either a favorable or an unfavorable assessment
  • Pervasiveness: Implicit attitudes and stereotypes are robust and pervasive
  • Universal:我们都有偏见! 的 literature shows that even those individuals openly and deeply committed to equity can hold unconscious or implicit biases. 有偏见是人类的天性. Ignoring this inhibits our ability to mitigate these biases.

As we build the resources page to support the Agnes Scott community in understanding implicit bias, we are focusing first here on 性别 and classroom biases, but the center’s staff is available to provide customized workshops and to lead conversations on all aspects of bias and mitigation, 和se pages will continue to be updated to reflect new information.

Learn more about implicit bias by exploring the following resources.

  • 我是谁,有偏见?纽约时报 produced a series of six short videos (between 1 and 3 minutes each) on implicit bias and its effects.
  • 如何克服我们的偏见? 勇敢地走向他们 Verna Myers in a TedxTalk offers three important calls of action for acknowledging our unconscious (and conscious) biases and changing our relationships with others, 尤其是年轻的黑人男性.
  • 看起来不同 is an MTV campaign to help people “unlearn biases, open up conversations with family & friends and [get] specific things you can do to fight for what’s right. 的re are resources for educators, 种族信息, 性别, 以及反lgbt偏见, 消除偏见, and several other tips and 行动 to take.
  • 内隐联想测验 Project Implicit is a non-profit organization founded by researchers from the University of Washington, 哈佛大学, 以及弗吉尼亚大学. Its goal is to educate the public about hidden biases and to function as a virtual laboratory for collecting data on unconscious bias. 的 link takes you to a page where you can take online implicit association tests (IATs) relating to different types of unconscious bias, 包括肤色偏好, 性偏好, the link between 性别 and science, 年龄偏好, the link between 性别 and family versus career, 种族偏好, 重量的偏好, 残疾的偏好, 和其他人. For an analysis of issues relating to IAT procedures and application, see Nosek et al (2005).
  • Interrupting Bias in the 教师 搜索 Process的 University of Washington’s ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change created a training video and facilitation guide to help faculty search committees uncover and address unconscious bias in the faculty candidate evaluation process.