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Human capital is the single most important asset in any business and human resources professionals are charged with protecting these assets. This 100% online training course will prepare you for the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification exam offered by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). You will be fully equipped to advance your career as a certified PHR in only 6 months.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a 5% job growth for human resources specialists and a slightly higher rate of growth for those in management roles. This will equal an additional 33,000 job openings over the next 8 years. The median salary for those in a human resources specialist position is nearly $62,收入最高的人年收入超过105美元,每年000.  


  • Be fully prepared for the Professional in Human Resources certification from HRCI
  • 了解人力资源实践
  • Learn valuable skills related to recruitment and training
  • Gain foundational knowledge of employment laws and regulations
  • Develop retention initiatives and best practices for strategic decision making


There are no specific prerequisites for taking this course. 然而, HRCI requires that you meet one of the following criteria in order to sit for PHR certification: 

  • Master’s degree or higher = 1 year of work experience in a professional-level HR role
  • Bachelor’s degree = 2 years of work experience in a professional-level HR role
  • Anything less than a bachelor’s degree = 4 years of work experience in a professional-level HR role




Learn about opportunities in the HR field and the skills you will need for success.   


Learn how to create compelling vision and mission statements, 政策, 以及基于商业战略的指标.   


Understand how to write a job description that will attract candidates, 有效地审查所有的薪金, 为面试做好充分准备, 正式地提出工作邀请. 


学习训练的基本知识, 包括设计, 发展, 实现, 分析, 以及培训项目的评估. 


Understand all the things that must be considered when designing a compensation and benefits package.  


学习遵守OSHA的来龙去脉, 防止工作场所的危害, 和调查, 记录, 防止事故和员工疾病.  


Gain knowledge of employment law as well as an understanding of equal employment opportunity, 避免歧视, 以及当员工向平等就业机会委员会提出索赔时会发生什么.  


Learn how to make decisions based on various company growth strategies, 了解如何使用HRIS软件, 以及作为决策工具的职业分析. 


了解平权行动的全部内容, 如何制定平权行动计划(AAP), 及其他有关美国儿科学会的资料.


Understand what diversity is and why it is a good thing in an organization as you learn to manage it and handle conflict. 


Learn the laws that protect employee rights and privacy and how to properly monitor and document behavior and discipline employees. 


Understand the alternatives to firing as well as how to prepare for termination, including proper separation agreements as well as what to do in the event of wrongful discharge. 


Learn why it is so important to investigate problems as well as the steps of an effective investigation including preparing, 进行, 总结一下. 


Get a quick overview of the history of unions as you learn how they work and why employees join them.


学习如何征求员工的意见并采取行动, 委托权限, 保持沟通畅通, and continuously ask for feedback as you strive to develop a high-performance workplace. 


了解基本的人员配置策略, 文化差异, 其他国家的人力资源, 选择全球员工, 以及外籍人士面临的问题. 


Learn the top reasons employees leave a company and how you can encourage them to stay as well as the importance of succession planning.  


Find out fun ways to motivate workers and gain nine strategies for creating a great rewards program. 


Gain information on externships and internships as you review the basics of the PHR exam and begin to study. 


安娜•史密斯 has worked in the field of human resources for 30 years and has taught at the university level for over 20 years. She holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Spalding University, 韦伯斯特大学管理学硕士学位, and a Master Online Teaching certificate from the University of Illinois. She is also a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources and a SHRM Senior Certified Professional. 她的经验横跨人力资源的许多领域, 包括招聘, 劳动关系, 以及平权行动计划.


本课程100%在线. 随时开始.



While a certification is not required to work as a human resources specialist, the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification is one of the most widely known and most respected credentials in the field of human resources. Certification is also a requirement by most employers before you will be considered for higher-level human resources roles.

是的. This 人力资源专员 training course will prepare you for the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) exam offered by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI). 根据Payscale.com, those who have PHR certification get promoted faster and have a median salary that is $20,比那些不这样做的人高1000. 

绝对. Every organization, large or small, needs someone who can help them with employee relations. 人力资源部门的职业可以由你自己决定. There are dozens and dozens of specialties and career paths to fit almost anyone interested in helping others while improving relations between employers and employees.     


Interested in pursuing a master's degree or certificate program?

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